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"Are You Taking Care of Yourself During this Scary New Blacklash?"

    "We’ve entered a new era in the struggle for equality, diversity and inclusion. For many it feels as if the legal gains made over the last fifty years are about to be rolled back – and with a vengeance.
    The politics of those leading this backlash from the top down are blatantly ugly, openly mean, and marked by unbelievable cruelty. “Vengeance” is a key word in many of their minds and the most extreme talk is about the further marginalization, criminalization, and even elimination of those who have been members of marginalized groups in the past.
    Things don’t look good, and in almost all sectors of society, major judicial and political institutions, dominant corporations, radical and loud religious sects, and the power-hungry are supporting those who lead the backlash or are too afraid to fight against it.
    LGBTQ people, people of color, recent immigrants, and women are rightfully concerned about what this all means for their livelihoods, relationships, healthcare, families, and public existences...."

Read more of this latest column and others.
Sign up to receive Dr. Minor's "Minor Details"

Recent Comments:

"I see little discussion in the coast press that equals the thinking of Bob Minor ('Minor Details') including his, in this issue, saying that we must go beyond just calling bigots hypocrites - the religion itself has to be held accountable. He names names and is right: 'What we’re seeing is the heart of what right-wing religion itself really is, not merely hypocrisy.'"

-- veteran LGBT activist (since 1959) and a founder of LA's Homosexual Information Center in 1968, Billy Glover

"Dr. Minor's research promotes a better understanding of humanity in all its diversity. He is a strong humanitarian and this organization promotes and is a strong advocate for such thinking. He is a perfect fit for the 21st Century American thinking."

-- Michael Alldaffer, founder of the Great Plains Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State

"How to Stop Arguing About Religion But Make Your Point"
Relive Dr. Minor's Popular National PFLAG Presentation

An hour-long online presentation, Dr. Minor presented a version of his popular workshop from the 2019 National PFLAG Convention to over 100 participants for the PFLAG Academy Online entitled "How to Stop Arguing About Your Religion But Make your Point"

Watch it here - "How to Stop Arguing About Religion But Make Your Point" and Access the Accompanying Training Toolkit

Audio cover

Scared Straight audio bookThese Best Sellers Are Available in Audio Formats

Scared Straight
Play a sample or order or download your copy here

When Religion Is an Addiction
Play a sample or order or download your copy here.


NW PFLAG Leadership WorkshopThe Fairness Project On-Line Activist Tool Kit

The Fairness Project is in the process of making available the handout materials from Dr. Minor's popular workshop: "Being an Activist Without Being a Victim." These materials are chosen because they encourage activist leadership to proceed from a progressive, healing model which contradicts the models of leadership found in most popular forms, models that are meant to keep the system in place rather than to make changes that support humanity, and result in burnout among leaders.

To access the current materials in The Fairness Project Tool Kit for activist leaders, click here.

An In-depth Conversation with Dr. Minor on
"The Desert Sanctuary" Podcast.

Spend an educational hour with Dr. Minor on religion, LGBTQ and other issues, and perspectives on what the religious right-wing's game plan is for America and how to stand up to it.
Listen here.



When Religion Is an Addiction
Dr. Minor's Best Seller

A refreshingly unique analysis and more effective response to the Christian right-wing in
America today challenging much of how the left has responded!

Read Reviews and Opinion About When Religion Is an Addiction
buyOrder When Religion Is an Addiction


The Fairness Project Booklet Series
Up-to-date, Practical & Insightful

Five manuals activists around the country now use to take back the debate! Learn more about The Series

buyFor ordering information


Scared Straight

    Dr. Minor's in-depth, acclamed study of what are still the key issues facing our culture

    Read more about Scared Straight

    Order Scared Straight


Both books are also available from Amazon, Baker & Taylor, and Ingrams